
Ruby Gap Creative Camp August 2014

Our last camp at Ruby Gap was wonderful,  as it always is. Really felt like coming home after our recent time in the unfamiliar territory of the Kimberley ( which was amazing certainly, see our last post).  But Ruby is just as beautiful!  Waking below those high cliffs in the night with a million stars above, drifting back to sleep as Scorpio slides into the cleft and waking again to birdsong as the morning light paints the cliffs:


“At daybreak the cliff-face turns a richer, deeper red!” “Who’s Richard Deepa?”

Dawn! A secretive and unassuming chap,
Richard Deepa, comes to Ruby Gap.

The Keeper of the Colours – none but he
May choose these pleasures for our eyes to see.

The high escarpment blushes by his will;
He marks the deep recesses with his quill;

He paints the golden ship that sails the sky,
And misty veils, that changing catch the eye.

And sunbeams, colours, shadows overlap
When Richard Deepa comes to Ruby gap.

And we who wake to rise from warm bed-roll,
Sense in the stillness of the dawn – the soul made whole.

by Elsbeth Murphy (who came with us to Ruby Gap in July last year).

The group this time included some prodigious and diverse talent too. Stephen O’Connell, CEO of the Murray Conservatorium of Music, gave us a wonderful concert.  David Brownscombe treated us to a reading from the novel he was working on. Chris from the south of France shared black and white photography of his very different world… and daily we delighted in the work the rest of us created in response to Ruby Gap, including a wonderful print making session using our big truck, ‘The Don’, as the press.  Here are some photos:

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